6 Office Equipment Maintenance Tips for Your Copier

Multi-use copiers are an integral part of the workday for many types of businesses. Whether for faxing, scanning, printing, or copying, someone in the office is using it to get their job done. Since many modern copiers perform multiple roles, it’s essential to keep them running on a day-to-day basis. Otherwise, the office will lose its ability to do much of anything when it comes to sending or receiving documents.

It’s not one person’s job to perform office equipment maintenance. As a department team, all of your employees should share the job of keeping the copier in shape. To make that easier for everyone, share these six tips with everyone in the office for the next time some TLC is in order.


1. Take a Look at the Manual

Believe it or not, instruction manuals are there for a reason. You might not have time to read the entire thing, but thumbing through the index will give you an idea of what’s information is there. That way, if something goes wrong and you need help, you can flip to a specific section to fix the issue. Instead of tossing the manual, keep it in a drawer that’s accessible to all employees. As boring as they can seem, a manual is sure to come in handy when it comes to office equipment maintenance.


2. Weekday Warm-Up

Have you ever noticed how the copier takes a while to wake up on Monday? When you leave for the weekend, your machine calls it quits too. After it’s not in use for a period of time, most machines go to sleep, just like your computer does. When you arrive at the office after a break, do a couple of test prints to let the machine warm-up again. It might make some funny noises and get a slow start, but this is to be expected. Be patient and let it do its thing.

3. Change Out Supplies

One way for employees to contribute to office equipment maintenance tasks is to make sure the copier is always stocked up with supplies. This includes paper, ink, and toner. Luckily, modern copiers alert users when levels are low, so you can expect to change them out soon. Consider assigning a team member the job of performing regular inventory checks, so there will never be any shortages. You know that instruction manual we mentioned earlier? It will tell you what kind of supplies the copier requires, so there’s no guesswork. Easy peasy.  

Is your office equipment not functioning properly?

It may be time for an upgrade.

4. Ensure Proper Storage

Not only should you keep supplies stocked, you should make sure they’re stored properly. Ink and toner cartridges should be kept upright and in an airtight container. This prevents leaks and ensures that the ink won’t be dried out when you need to use it.


5. Clean the Machine

Office equipment maintenance doesn’t have to be hard. A very necessary (and simple) maintenance step is to clean the copier on a regular basis. When dust starts to build up on the exterior of the machine, wipe it away so it doesn’t fall into creases of the copier. Also wipe off paper trays, entry, and exit areas. Clear the glass where scans and copies are made, otherwise debris can show up on documents.


6. Scheduled Office Equipment Maintenance

The best thing you can do for your machinery is to schedule regular office equipment maintenance. Keep a checklist of tasks each employee should do on a weekly basis, but also make sure you’re calling in the professionals as needed. That way, they can do a deep clean and find any issues before they turn into big problems.

If you’re in or around the Little Rock metro area, let us help you with your business equipment needs. Call us today at 501-833-8150 and see what we can do.

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