Professional Printer for Your Office | The Difference It Could Make


The work your employees are doing requires more printing than your average desktop printer can handle. Yet, there are not enough print jobs to warrant hiring an outside party. 

A professional printer for your office is the perfect solution. 

Here are a few differences you’ll notice when you install a professional printer in your office. 


1. Print jobs will look better. 

As a business owner, you know how important it is for your business to look clean and professional on all fronts. Printed material is usually the materials we leave behind to remind potential clients of your business. 

A well-maintained, professional printer can print quality materials. A desktop printer has more room for error. Inkjet printing, the technology used for most desktop printers is a truly magnificent invention. However, it still doesn’t quite measure up to professional printers when it comes to printing proper colors and maintaining the integrity of the paper. 

Use a professional printer and hand your clients (and potential clients) materials that match your business’ reputation for quality and professionalism. 


2. The printing process will be streamlined. 

Printers are known for their uncanny ability to malfunction at the most inconvenient times. All printers, even professional office printers, are known for causing hiccups in projects with delays and malfunctions. 

This is why we at Central Business Equipment offer and highly recommend regular printer maintenance. Your investment in a professional printer is only as valuable as the work it can do for you. Our knowledgeable, professional maintenance team will stop by regularly – problems or no problems – to maintain your printer and keep it running for your business.

A professional printer will help speed up your employees’ tasks. They don’t have to fidget with their desk printer. They can rely on the office printer to print their materials. Their print job can be ready before they arrive at the printing room to collect. 

Folding and stapling your materials by hand will be a thing of the past. A professional printer can do that for you. This saves many hours of valuable employee time!

This streamlined process will reduce stress. Your employees know they can count on the professional office printer to do a good job printing their materials. The fewer hiccups they run into during a project, the more they enjoy working on the project. 


3. Your employees will have more printing options. 

Does your business have some creative elements? In-house printing might be a great option as your employees can use the office printer to examine their work off-screen. All without having to wait on a printing service to deliver the one-page design they need to examine. 

Office printers have better coloring than desktop printers. They offer higher-quality images and colors. 

If your employees need some creative space in their printed projects, an office printer is the best option. Getting a print job done won’t halt their creative process while waiting for a service to deliver. 


4. You’ll save money. 

The most important question: Will a professional printer save my business money? The answer depends largely on the office equipment service you work with, like CBE. 

A printer will save your time, help you use your resources more efficiently, and more. 

This can only happen if you work with an office equipment service that cares. CBE knows what it means to make an investment for your business. We’ll educate your staff, provide continued maintenance for your printers, and be on-call should anyone spill coffee on the printer.