If you own or work for a small business, the process of collecting mail and bringing it to the post office at the end of each day is probably familiar to you. Placing a large pile of packages and letters on the counter in order to purchase the correct postage for each item is a hassle for you, the postal employees, and everyone in line behind you, but what else are you supposed to do?

An Easier Way

Although developments in technology might seem like a burden at times (who has the money to buy new phones and computers every year to keep up with industry standards?) they can also make a huge difference in efficiency for your business. And if time is money, then efficiency is revenue.

Mailing systems are simply pieces of office equipment that are designed to streamline the entire mailing process, essentially bringing the post office to your office.

What’s the purpose of a mailing system?

In the past, sending out a mass quantity of letters required hand-folding and hand-stuffing envelopes, which is the kind of tedious job that gets handed to lower-level employees because nobody else wants to deal with it.

A mailing system takes these menial, boring, time-consuming jobs and completely automates them. It also removes the necessity of visiting the post office at the end of the day to get everything sent. With a mailing system and scheduled USPS and UPS pick-ups, you won’t have to go to the post office at all.

What is mailing system equipment?


One component of a mailing system is a folder/inserter. The folder/inserter, true to its name, does all the work of envelope-stuffing automatically, saving time and energy for your employees to focus on more important tasks.

There are many different varieties of folder/inserters, from small and simple ones for small businesses to large ones that are capable of any job you give them, no matter how complex.

Postage Meters

Postage meters are also a useful component of a good mailing system. These machines can weigh a piece of mail and print the correct postage for it. That means that within minutes, a piece of mail can be ready to go on its way to its intended recipient, with just a few pushes of a button. They also eliminate guesswork on postage, since you’ll have a precise weight for every piece of mail you send out.

Mail System Software

Keeping track of data is one of the most important ways to streamline mail. The USPS is doing it, and so can you. There are now multiple software programs that can help you keep track of every piece of mail that comes into or goes out of your business.

Some of the programs even let you operate your postage meter remotely, so you can handle the work from anywhere. If you have a quality printer, a folder/inserter, and a postage meter that you can operate remotely, you don’t even have to be present to prepare a piece of mail for sending.

Why are mail systems important?

The biggest draw for mail systems technology is efficiency. Obviously, you want to focus as much time as possible toward the tasks your company is really all about, and as little time as possible toward smaller, menial tasks that can feel like a waste of time.

Another benefit of having up-to-date mail systems equipment is the fact that your business will become more attractive to employees and customers alike. Customers prefer to work with businesses who have updated equipment, and having the latest technology will make you a far more attractive employment option to current and potential employees, as well.

If you’d like to get started on improving your business’s efficiency by utilizing mail systems technology, we’d be happy to walk you through the process. Feel free to send us a message, give us a call, or stop by.